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Honor Society

National Jr. Honor Society

Sponsor: Tammy Taylor


Eighth graders are selected for membershipin the National Jr. Honor Society. Students desiring to be considered for membership must meet the following criteria:

    At the end of the 7th grade year, students must have an average of 90 or above in every individual subject. The average will be an average of the first and second semester grades or four-9 weeks. The exception is made for students in Algebra or Spanish. Students enrolled in Algebra or Spanish must have an average of 85 or above in those classes. 
    At the end of the year, the students must have an overall average of the academic classes of 92 with no grade lower than an 85. The grade will be an average of the first and second semester.
    Students must have mastered all sections of the state mandated STAAR test.
    Students must have been involved in at least one extra-curricular activity as a 7th grader.
    Students must have no more than two discipline referrals and no referrals that result in ISS/SAC, corporal punishment, suspension, or a DAEP placement.
    Students cannot have been disciplined by an local authorities for an incidence off-campus.
    Students must comply with the state compulsory attendance law having 90% attendance in the previous school year.
    Students should have no more than three unsatisfactory reports (“N” or “U”) or negative comments on report cards.
    Students are expected to participate in NJHS sponsored service projects throughout the year in both the school and community.