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The courses offered at VJHS are designed to take students from foundational elementary skill sets to the knowledge and comprehension of concepts needed in preparation for high school and beyond. Core Curricular courses in Math, English, Social Studies, and Science are enhanced with a variety of electives designed to give students a well-rounded educational opportunity.



Stresses concepts, skills and basic operations associated with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and measurement. Algebra is offered to students who qualify through a number of criteria and will be awarded high school credit upon successful completion.

English Language Arts

A combination of the study of literary forms and basic reading skills and the further development of all communication skills emphasizing grammar and writing skills.


A general study including the sciences of life, earth, chemistry and physics.


7th Grade Texas HIstory

An intensive study of the state including geography, Indians, discovery and exploration, and the development of modern Texas.

8th Grade American History

This course covers America's history from colonization to 1865.


Study of advanced language with emphasis placed on speaking, reading and writing to help students become proficient in the language.



This course allows students to explore and gain hands on experience in a variety of career areas. Using real-life equipment, students will rotate through stations to gain understanding in the following:
Flight & Drone Technology | Forensic Science | Digital Manufacturing (3D printing) | Research & Development (build CO2 powered racer) | Emergency Fire Management | Veterinary Medicine | Intro to Child Development | Computer Graphics | Intro HSC (Construction Industry) | Home Maintenance Fundamentals | Energy & Power | Materials Processing | Home Maintenance Systems 


Both Intro and Advanced Robotics is offered. Students work together in small teams to design, build and program Lego Mindstorm EV3 robots. They will learn programming terminology, and practice and develop the 4 C’s (critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication). Advanced students will have the opportunity to compete in the annual TCEA robotics competition as part of an arena team or inventions team.

Video Game Design

In this course, students learn to create video games in Python. It covers game design concepts including taking turns, moving objects, collisions, random numbers, avoiding hazards, and getting points. Students will also experience programming in a real world programming editor.


Fine Arts: Band

Emphasis on instrumental techniques, music theory, mental, and physical discipline.

Fine Arts: Choir

Development of music techniques, theory, and preparation.

Fine Arts: Speech and Drama

Students will learn the basics of acting, character analysis, character development, and theatre history. Emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of public speaking and interpretive reading helping to develop awareness and self-confidence in communication skills.


Fine Arts: Art

Emphasis is on the expresion of the individual through drawing, painting, ceramics, and crafts.

Home Economics

Students learn skills to prepare them for life outside of their parent's home and give them tools to adapt to different situations involving: values, self-esteem, communication, teamwork, self-sufficiency, independence, and healthy living.

Teen Leadership

LeadWorthy develops critical life-changing skills including taking personal responsibility, expressing themselves well, and making good decisions when problems arise.


Physical Education / Athletics

Physical Education introduces several sports and activities for the improvement of skill levels in individual, dual, and team sports. 
​Athletics takes physical education to the competitive level where students can engage in a variety of team sports throughout the year including football, volleyball, cross country, basketball, and track.